The information age we are in is also an age of speed in which distances are getting shorter. It is now possible to reach millions of information, news, people and resources in a second… Considering this huge treasure provided by developing technology, can it be said that reading books is still beneficial? If there is; what are these benefits?
Reading books improves our knowledge. It makes us “the one who knows.”
Reading books paves the way for academic success.
Reading books improves command of the language and improves prudence.
Reading books increases the mental faculties, gives people quick intelligence, saves the brain from laziness.
Reading books is the most effective medicine to prevent dementia.
Books point people to the good and the beautiful.
Reading books develops the spirit, matures the character, gives a personality that makes an impression around him.
Reading books adds value to time.
Reading books improves our imagination.
A person who reads books questions life and does not become a slave to the idea and ideology that he does not adopt.
Zeynep Rockwel