1)-Yvonne Brill
Brill, a Canadian rocket scientist and aerospace engineer, has been involved in many national space programs, including NASA and IMSO, throughout his career. Brill’s most important work was developing the hydrazine resistojet concept, which is a new rocket engine, and learning to use a single propellant. His invention not only provided higher engine performance but also increased the load capacity.Today, we owe the use of fuel-efficient rockets that keep the satellites we send into space in orbit, to the rocket engines developed by Brill.
2)- Douglas Engelbart
Engelbart, a Norwegian-born American engineer and inventor, is one of the computer and internet pioneers. Known for his work on human-computer interactions. He developed the first examples of hypertext, connected computers and computer interfaces with his team.In addition to all the projects he developed, his most important invention was the computer mouse.
3)- Ray Tomlinson
New York-born computer programmer Tomlinson developed the first system that is able to send emails between users on different host computers that connected to ARPANET. He also used the @ sign to separate username from the device’s name. Today, millions of people use Tomlinson’s e-mail service.The first test e-mail sent by Tomlinson consisted of the letters “QWERTYUIOP” and the first e-mail address used was “tomlinson@bbn-tenexa”.
4)- Stephanie Kwolek
An American chemist invented a synthetic fiber with exceptional strength and hardness while working for DuPont. The usage fields of this synthetic fiber, known as Kevlar, is more than 200. Including tennis rackets, skis, parachute lines, boats, planes, ropes, cables, automobile tires, firefighter boots, hockey sticks, cut resistant gloves, armored vehicles, and bulletproof vests.
5)- AaronSwartz
Swartz, an American computer programmer, computer scientist, author, hacker, and activist, coded a website that could be considered as the ancestor of Wikipedia when he was 12 years old. Aaron won the Cambridge ArsDigita award with this website. Started working on RSS at the age of 13. This young genius, who was also the founder of Reddit, downloaded nearly 18 million documents from the PACER database, which belonged to the American federal courts and nearly 4 million articles from JSTOR, and made them available to the public.For this reason, he was sentenced to 35 years in prison and a $ 1 million fine, for serious crimes, such as “information piracy” and “illegal file download”.Thus, he committed suicide shortly after the trial and ended his life.
6)- Ray Dolby
American electrical engineer and inventor of audio recording technology Dolby, founded Dolby Laboratories with a staff of four. He soon invented Dolby NR, a kind of sound system processing system for analog tapes. Dolby NR was a kind of noise reduction system and was used to minimize background noise while recording. Dolby, started to improve movie sound after his invention. He created systems named Dolby Stereo, Dolby Surround and Dolby Digital, which he developed for the cinema. Dolby’s inventions pioneered the evolution of modern sound technology and shaped it.
7)- Reynold B. Johnson
An American inventor and computer science pioneer, Johnson’s first invention was to design an electronic test scoring machine by detecting pencil marks in multiple-choice tests. International Business Machines Corporation purchased Johnson’s invention and hired him as an engineer to work in their laboratories. Johnson, who showed a solid rise in IBM, set up a research team and developed the disk data storage technology that IBM launched as IBM 305 RAMAC. Although the first disk drive was coarse by modern standards, it started a multi-billion dollar industry and pushed the on button of the development of the hard disk drive.
8)- Ralph H. Baer
Bear, a German-American game developer, engineer and inventor, is known as the inventor of video games, and especially the game console concept. While working at Sanders Associates, he came up with the idea to create a game using the television screen, and he was given two engineers to work with. They developed the “Brown Box” console video game system.Baer started looking for a buyer for the system and after renaming it Magnavox Odyssey, the console was introduced to the public in May 1972. In addition to video games, Bear had patents for electronic greeting cards, and tracking systems patent for submarines.
9)- Herman Hollerith
Hollerith, an American businessman, statistician, and inventor, developed a mechanism that uses electrical connections to increment a meter and record information. The main idea was that data could be recorded with the presence or absence of a hole at a particular location on a card. For example, if the location of a hole would indicate marital status, having a hole would indicate that you were married, not a hole would indicate that you were single. An explanation of this system, as a Spreadsheet System, was submitted by Hollerith to Columbia University at the status of his doctoral dissertation. He provided charts and other machines under contract for the Census Office and used them for the 1890 census. Later, with great interest, census bureaus from all over the world bought these cards and their equipment. Hollerith’s invention continued to be used for almost 100 years.
10)- Otis Boykin
Boykin, an American engineer and inventor got a job as a clerk at the Electro Manufacturing Company after his graduation. Later he was hired by Majestic Radio and Television Corporation as a laboratory assistant. One of his mentors was an engineer and inventor Dr. Denton Deere which has his own laboratory. Another mentor was Dr. Hal F. Fruth, with whom he collaborated in various experiments, including a more effective way of testing autopilot control units on aircraft. Boykin and Fruth later opened an electronics research laboratory in the late 1940s, and they went into the business.Boykin began to work on pacemakers at this time, and soon later he managed to develop a control unit for an artificial pacemaker.
Tori Owens