Thousands of books was writen and thousands of movies was made about love. But some of them became deathless because of their comment about love and magnificent travels in love’s fantastic world. Loves in 10 movies that will be said by us are memorable with their fictions and authenticity of loves which are acted by actors and actress. Of course, we can add other movies that effect us.
Matrix: Neo and Trinty
In Matrix, big war that between real and virtual world generated a big love. Trinty who believe oracle of soothsayer who said that you will fall in love to chosen man, fell in love with Neo; the expected man.
Lord of the Rings: Aragorn and Arwen
The biggest supporter of the king Aragron who try to save the middle world from big chaos would be Arwen who beautiful princess of Elfs’. While king was saving the Middle World, on the other hand he was paying sacrifice of Arwen who is big love of him with giving his heart to her.
Twilight: Bella Swan and Edward Cullen
When Edward who is handsome of vampires’ world meet with Bella in little town where Edward live his last times, He understand that he found love of his life. While he is fighting for his life with vampires, police and werewolves, he is getting support from only thing; love of Bella.
V for Vandetta: Evey and V
V who lost his identity, memory and everything of him in scientific experiment, had not lost only a emotion in his heart: love. In his last great message of freedom to the world, he had Evey at his heart and his never-lost hopes.
Titanic: Jack Dawson and Rose De Witt Bukater
Biggest ships of the world can go down, biggest buildings can break down but loves always stand. While the Titanic that called buoyant crash to iceberg and go down to deep of water, love that never run out dispread through the sky. Loves that freeze in water of Rosa and Jack…
Avatar: Jake Sully and Neytiri
When Jake, who is in a wheelchair, switches to his Avatar body, he not only has legs to walk but also finds wings to fly. The name of those wings is Neytiri. Jake, who finally gives up his body forever, has the love he could never give up in the Avatar world.
City of Angels: Seth and Dr. Maggie Rice
What can be more magnificent love story than an angel fall in love to a woman and abandon his angel appereance? When angel Seth finds the only doctor who can heal him, blood of love curculates in his transformed human body
Spartacus: Spartacus and Sura
Spartacus, the slave gladiator who started the first great war against slavery, was taking his power from his dream of reaching to his wife. Spartacus, who opposed the huge Roman army for Sura, had already taken his place in history both with his freedom struggle and his great love.
Spiderman: Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson
Which one is harder? Being a super hero or being lover? Only Peter Parker who is our super strong lover can answer this question. Of course, this fantastic hero, who uses super spider webs while flying in the sky, is powered by the love of Mary Jane while flying in the world of love.
Brave Heart: William Wallace and Murron
To whom William Wallace who is freedom’s hero of the Scots was owe that being freest man of the world? Of course, To the beautiful Murron… In the last moment of his life, is it possible to forget this man who has freedom in his language, Murron in his heart and his love.
Joseph McRaven