Insatiability: Insatiability can occur in many different varieties, but can also be short-term or long-term. The child who does not receive enough attention may feel unloved and tend to steal behavior to attract the attention of his parents. The desire of getting revengecan be seen in children who have a new sibling, thinking that their mother neglected them., thinking that their mother neglected her/him.
Hunger for Love: It is generally seen in children who do not have a mother or father or who experience their absence. The child is insecure because of the lack of love. He/she tries to feed his insecurity by stealing. This behavior can occur after the loss of a mother or father. It is common in neglected children whose fathers are alcoholic or not working. Here, the child tries to make up for the lack of his father, whose existence he cannot feel, by stealing.
Having a special place among friends: Some children steal small items and bribe their friends to have a special place among their friends. This type of theft is most common in unsuccessful children who are not popular with their friends. These children are not respected among their friends, nor respect themselves. They can choose this way to impose themselves on their environment.
Not giving enough pocket money to the child: It is the type of theft that occurs when the basic needs of the child are not met.
The idea of ownership is not developed in the child
Taking revenge: For example, a child he is jealous of, compared to a successful friend, can take his stuff to get revenge on him. The child can also steal to get revenge on his authoritative parents or teachers.
The subconscious pleasure of the mother and father from this behavior of the child: If the child feels that his parents enjoy this behavior, he continues to steal.
The child may have chosen a bad example to identify with: The child may steal for the approval of a group of friends. The aim here is not to steal, but to benefit others.
To boost self-confidence: Some children steal to prove their strength. It occurs especially in boys.
It may be because the child wants to taking revenge from the parents.
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