Pazartesi, Mart 10, 2025

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10 Things You Should Know For The Health Of Your Children

The years fly by and your children are growing fast before you even realize it. It is very important to have regular doctor visits, room cleaning and some maintenance every year to ensure that they grow up healthy and happy.

1- Clean in children’s rooms

It is amazing to see how many items children can collect in a year. Do a deep clean twice a year in your children’s rooms. Collect unused clothing, toys, and school items and divide them into three groups: those to be hidden, to be thrown away, and to be donated. You will be amazed at how ready your kids are to dispose of their belongings.

2- Dentist visit

A healthy mouth structure acquired at a young age minimizes the number of dental problems to be encountered in later years. You should take your children to the dentist every six months and have them checked.

3- Instrument maintenance

Children use their instruments indifferently. Regular maintenance of your instruments is not only your ears; it also allows you to protect your money in the long run.

4- Ophthalmologist visit

All children are required to have regular eye tests every year. There may be problems with your child’s eyes; If you do not notice this situation and do not take their complaints about his vision seriously, it may be too late for everything and your child’s eye problem may worsen as a result of negligence. To prevent this possibility from being real and just to be sure, you should take your child to the ophthalmologist every six months.

5- Regular meetings with school teachers

Ten-minute quick interviews with teachers are informative only on the surface; They do not allow for any in-depth conversation about any topic. For this reason, you should organize comprehensive interviews to better understand how your child is doing during the semester. Interviews conducted in this way allow you to learn about your child’s social, emotional and academic situation and give you time to learn what to do to support your child at home.

6- Family album

Digital cameras made it very easy to take more pictures; However, when it comes to today’s families, this abundance does not mean more printed photographs. The truth is that the number of printed photos is decreasing. We often download the captured photos to the computer with the intention of printing them later and then forget it. However, there is no joy in sitting in a cozy house and looking at the photo albums as a family. Remember before the digital cameras, the fun you had, and continue the tradition of printing your photos again and making an album.

7- Professional shoemaker visit

Foot health is as important as eye and dental health; The little feet of your children, who have been in the shoes for hours, get tired and can be damaged. In order to avoid this situation, it is very important to find the most suitable and comfortable shoes for your child’s feet. The child’s head works differently; Your child may not tell you that his shoes are tight. Therefore, it is beneficial to have the feet of children measured regularly every year and to buy shoes according to this size.

8- donate

Your children are living wonderful lives. It is very important for them to be able to understand that there are people on earth who own far less and live in conditions we could not imagine. There are many social activities for fundraising where children can also participate. Research these and help your child develop skills in understanding and helping people.

9- Height measurement

Measuring children’s height is fun. You can use the old methods and measure the height of your children behind the door and write them with a pencil. Or you can use a small piece of paper and plot their growth. Whichever way you take it, kids love to see them grow.

10- Doctor visit

Depending on the age and health of your children, you need to have regular health checks every year. Recommended ages may vary slightly; However, these health checks are usually performed at birth, 1 to 4 weeks, 6 to 8 weeks; At 4, 6, 9, 12 and 18 months; It is expected to be done at the ages of 2, 3-3.5, 4 and 5. It is recommended to have a health check every year after the age of 5.


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