What needs to be done in order to discourage the child from this behavior is to strengthen the family relationships, explain the dangers of nail biting to the child and direct the child to an activity in which she will linger in her/his free time.
Nail biting disorder is generally a psychological behavioral disorder. It is accepted that the feeling of insecurity is at the heart of it. Therefore, it should be investigated and determined why the child tends to this habit. Sometimes when children experience feelings such as sadness, fear, stress, anger, they do not know how to deal with these emotions, and they express these feelings with such behaviors. It should be ensured that the child expresses feelings such as fury and anger, and shares his / her feelings with his parents. Otherwise, these feelings will accumulated even more.
Nail biting behavior may decrease when the child can freely share his thoughts and feelings with his parents. Children who bit nails at night can put on a light cotton glove, while those who eat their toenails can put on with non-squeezing socks. If this behavior continues in the child until the age of 3-4, it should be ignored by the mother and father. In the emergence of this behavior, unrest in family plays a triggering role, so reducing conflicts and tensions in the home and making the child feel safe will be very effective in treatment.
Stating that the members of the family are constantly uncomfortable with this behavior may increase the anxiety of the child, so it should be avoided. The child should be expressed in appropriate language that others do not like this behavior. Humiliating methods such as rubbing hot pepper on the fingers and wearing gloves should be avoided. These methods can worsen the problem.
The child should be kept away from situations that create fear and anxiety during the treatment. It is unfavorable for young children to watch scary and fighting programs on TV or on the Internet, as it will increase their anxiety and excitement. It is a good practice to keep the child busy with foods which can be chawing while watching movies to decrease the behavior.
It can also be helpful to frequently praise and reward the child for their achievements. However, this method should be used appropriately and in a limited way. Otherwise, the child can use this behavior to get a reward.
It may also be helpful for the child to deal with their own nail care. For this, manicure and pedicure materials can be purchased for the child. The child can be told that he can easily give up his nail biting behavior if he wishes. It should be expressed in a loving manner that this habit leaves an unlikeable and ugly impression on the eyes of others. It may also be beneficial for the child biting nails in front of the mirror. Especially in young girls, it can be compared by showing the manicured state of their nails with the damaged state. While discouraging the child from the habit of nail biting, the child should be treated with understanding, patience and affection, and the child should be supported.
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