Pazartesi, Mart 10, 2025

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1)- Drake Equation

In 1961, a radio astronomer named Frank Drake developed an equation. The equation he developed was useful for calculating life forms in our galaxy that could be intelligent enough to communicate with us.

TheDrakeequation is:{\displaystyle N=R_{*}\cdot f_{\mathrm {p} }\cdot n_{\mathrm {e} }\cdot f_{\mathrm {l} }\cdot f_{\mathrm {i} }\cdot f_{\mathrm {c} }\cdot L}


N = thenumber of civilizations in ourgalaxywithwhichcommunicationmight be possible (i.e. whichare on ourcurrentpast lightcone);


R = theaverage rate of star formation in ourgalaxy

fp = thefraction of thosestarsthathave planets

ne = theaveragenumber of planetsthat can potentiallysupport life per star that has planets

fl = thefraction of planetsthatcouldsupport life thatactuallydevelop life at somepoint

fi = thefraction of planetswith life thatactuallygo on todevelop intelligent life (civilizations)

fc = thefraction of civilizationsthatdevelop a technologythatreleasesdetectablesigns of theirexistenceintospace

L = thelength of time forwhichsuchcivilizationsreleasedetectablesignalsintospace

Drakehimselfestimatesthe final number of communicatingcivilisations in thegalaxyto be about 10,000.

2)- The Mysterious “WOW!” Signal

It is a radio signal detected from space by an Ohio State University radio telescope on 15 August 1977. What made the signal so important was that it conformed to all the characteristics expected of signals of extraterrestrial origin.

3)- Cave Murals from the Past

In the 10,000-year-old drawings seen in the caves in the Charama region of India, strange humanoid shapes are striking. Likewise, there are many more astronaut, spaceship, and alien figures if you look at the other cave paintings on the Earth.

4)-UFO Depictions in Paintings

Some of the paintings made during the Renaissance era have “UFO” depictions.These unidentified flying figures, which usually stand out in paintings containing sacred depictions, are enough to think about how the term of “UFO” might emerge in that period.

5)-“Strange” structures on Earth

Nazca lines, pyramids, machupicchu, crop circles drawn in the fields, and much morestructures that could not be built with the technology and workforce of that period, as some claim…It is obvious that they require great engineering skills, no matter who made them.

6)-Government approval on the UFO documentation

Like the 2004 encounter near San Diego between two Navy F/A-18F fighter jets and an “unknown object” there are many encounters with the UFOs in history which is not explained or approved yet. However, the encounter in 2004 is approved by the government recently.

7)-High-tech mechanisms from ancient times

Depictions of planes, rockets, astronaut sculptures, complex mechanism clock-calendars that made 10,000 years ago, and many other magnificent mechanisms with unknown purpose of use.Could the mechanisms that leave question marks on how they were made be evidence that aliens existed and visited Earth?

8)-Area 51

Although America has 50 states, the name of this region is area 51, as if it were outside the country.Even the American president is prohibited from entering this area.According to many rumors from the people around, many experiments with space-dimension and aliens are being carried out inside.

9)-Discovery of substances necessary for life on other planets

Discoveries such as phosphine gas recently found on Venus, or ancient raceways on the surface of Mars is enough to ask the question “was there life on other planets?”.

10)-Abduction cases by “aliens”

Those who successfully passed lie detectors, who put what they saw into drawings, those who were put to sleep with hypnosis to make them tell what happened…Until this time, there are dozens of cases claiming to have made one-on-one sex with an alien.Whether all of these are true is still unclear, but out of so many cases, there may be a few that actually happened.

Paul Hudson


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