1)- “Eternal wisdom seeds wait the right time when the one wakes up from the
sleep of ignorance; awareness begins to develop, wisdom blossoms and
evolution gives its fruit.”
2)- “Awareness is the cause, maturing is the result. It is not necessary making
efforts for maturing, the main effort should be given to improving awareness.”
3)- “To go beyond duality, it is necessary to find out what is “Absolute Truth”,
to be aware of it and to continue with this awareness.”
4)- “On the path of evolution, if you are doing everything with awareness than
the things you do are part of the universal journey.”
5)- “In terms of awareness, it is not important “what” but “how “ you do it.”
6)- “Acting with awareness means taking pleasure from responsibilities.”
7)- “When everything is done with a deep awareness, even the unimportant
things become universal.”
8)- “Awareness is the shadow of universal love.”
9)- “The absence of awareness about death and life leads to lack of love
10)- “Thanks to awareness, the individual does not fall in love but rises with
love when he/she loves.”
Akif Manaf
great information thank you Akif MANAF
Waaw super
very good information thank you 🙏
words that shed light Great 👏👏👏🌸
💚🙏….all touched my soul…thank you….
very impressive 👏👏👏💐
Very impressive..👋👋👋🙏💓
Amazing! Thank you for sharing us!!