Death is the last moment everyone lives. But there are also those who immortalize that moment and say the last word to the world. Here are the last words of celebrities before they die ..
Adolf Hitler: You should never give my body into the hands of the Russians, they will sculpt me in Moscow.
Barbaros: When I died, you buried me in a place where the sound of the sea could be heard.
Rumi: Our Lord invites me to His Holiness. Now is the time to go. O Azrâil! Hurry up! Get me to my Lord quickly!
Jane Austen: I don’t want anything but to die.
Julius Caesar: You too Brutus?
Goethe: A little more light.
Einstein: I finish my duty here.
Che Guevara: Shoot, coward man, you’re only going to kill a man after all.
Mussolini: Shoot me in the chest.
Nikolai Gogol: Take a ladder, quickly bring a ladder.
Lilay Koradan