1)- Climbing (Parkour)
The parkour mechanics, which originally included in video games with Prince of Persia in 1989, began to be integrated into many games, especially thanks to the game series called “Assassin’s Creed”.
2)- Swimming
Most gamers know that the main character cannot swim in the game called GTA Vice city.There are some who claim that this was not emphasized too much because the budget required for the development of swimming mechanics in games at that time was high.However, after the swimming mechanics became more frequent in the games, the real value of this mechanic was understood.
3)- Spin Dash
The dash mechanic, which became never-to-be-forgotten thanks to sonic the hedgehog, has been used in many games in a short time.
4)- Sliding
Since its using in games, sliding mechanics are a backbone for most games.
5)- Boss Climbing
First introduced in the “Shadow of the Colossus”, this mechanic has not just been used for many games but has been loved by most players.
6)- Charge Attack
Charge attack mechanics in games are actually 2 types. ‘Collect type’ and ‘Hold type’. While the Collect type charge attacks is popular in JRPGs, the other one is basically the ‘hold it to gain power and then release the button’ type attack.
7)- Z-Targeting (Lock-On)
Z-Targeting, which stepped into the game world with ‘the legend of zelda’, is the ability to lock on enemies in battle, and the name of it comes from Zelda’s Z, is an important mechanic in games today.
8)- Inventory
The inventory mechanic, which has been an indispensable for RPG games since its use and allows you to stock your items with you, has become a mechanic used in almost all games.
9)- Morality System
When the games started to cease to be just ‘arcade’, the main characters were given the chance to choose their way forward.This is where the ‘morality’ mechanics started to come into play. In most games, if you choose “good”, you are more likely to go on the good road, if you choose “bad” you are more likely to go on the bad road.
10)- Wait x Number of Hours or Pay Real Money
Perhaps it is a revolutionary mechanic that can be cited as an example to the “pay to win” system, one of the mechanics that makes the most money in the game world.
Caleb Harvey